Poslal jsem si z mého nového pracoviště do mojí osobní schránky (v doméně .cz) zazipovaný PDF tutoriálek z IBM DeveloperWorks a obratem mi poštovní system oznámil, že mluvím sprostě a tím podkopávám dobré jméno Telecom NZ
Your email message to <...@....cz> has been delivered.
However it was identified by our content filtering processes as containing language that may be considered inappropriate for business-like communication. It is possible that the recipient(s) may not have received it if they run similar filtering processes. You may want to confirm with the recipient(s) that they have received the email correctly.
A copy of this email has been redirected to an administration queue which is randomly scanned for inappropriate mail and objectionable material.
Email that fails to comply with Telecom corporate policy may result in disciplinary action being taken.
The Telecom corporate email policy can be found at
The content which caused this to happen was
List: Reputation Protection Keywords Found the expression "sex" 8 times, at 2 points each, for an expression score of 16 points.
Total Message Score: 16 points.
Takže mne nejspíš brzo vyhodí :o)
Mimochodem, zpráva za 16 bodů vypadá takto: "N-joy"
pondělí 26. ledna 2009
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1 komentář:
Bud rad, ze to neproslo - kdo vi, kolik bodu bys dostal, kdyby ti nekdo odpovedel "lol".
To by sis mohl rovnou vyklizet suplik.